After a long, hot summer, we can become accustomed to driving in dry and bright conditions – so when the dreaded rainfall finally arrives, are we confident with the ways in which our driving methods need to adjust?
Tailoring the way in which you operate your car in varied weather conditions is vital to ensure that you are able to stay safe on the road, all year round. We have collated a series of safety tips and with a quick recap, you can feel confident on the road come rain or shine.
The risks of driving in the rain
The rain can bring with it a number of factors which can make driving slightly more challenging. These include:
- Increasing the distance it takes for your vehicle to travel before it is able to come to a complete stop.
- The visibility around your vehicle may be jeopardised slightly.
- Water puddling on the roads surface could result in aquaplaning.
Tips for safety when driving in the rain
Check your wipers
When rainfall is on the heavier side, it can seriously impact your ability to see infront and behind you – especially in later hours of the day. It is always important, therefore, to check that your windscreen wipers work effectively ahead of your journey. If you aren’t confident in their working function, you should stay off of the road and schedule a repair or replacement.
Increase your stopping distance
The wet surface will have an effect on your stopping distance. The treads of your tyres will have less friction with the tarmac, reducing grip and increasing the time taken to come to a complete stop. Due to this, you should be mindful when driving to look further ahead than usual, and keep your speed manageable, allowing you to brake in advance, safely and correctly.
Lower your speed
In line with our previous tip,. keeping your speed low and manageable will result in a safe drive. Whilst your visibility can be reduced, it is worth remembering that others can be too, and so you will need to remain alert at all times for actions that require a fast response time. Keeping at a slow, safe and steady speed can give you the best chances to react correctly.
Consider other road users
Some other road users may be in a more vulnerable position than you. This includes cyclists, motorcyclists and pedestrians. Give them more room than you usually would, as it is likely that strong winds could have an effect on their positioning.
Avoid pools of water
Whilst they can be seen as fun, especially with children in the car, driving through puddles is something that should be avoided. Hazardous objects are commonly found within these pools of water, and occasionally the puddles are deeper than they appear during your approach.
Are you keen to get your vehicle in optimum condition in time for the end of summer? Get in touch with our team of specialist mechanics at Bromley Vehicle Test Centre to get booked in today.